Now Live! My Light Painting Workshop is available as a self-paced online video course!

Light Painting Photographer Harold Ross and his light painted image "1966 Wilton Bullet Vise"

“1966 Wilton Bullet Vise” by Harold Ross

I know that it’s been a while… but there is a good reason!

After many years of having students from around the world attend my In-Person Light Painting Workshops (I feel so fortunate and honored), and after getting a great number of requests, I made the decision to create a complete and comprehensive set of self-guided online videos. It has been years in the making!

I’ve been concentrating so much on this project that I’ve had to step away from social media for a time. 

I have now introduced my Light Painting Foundation Course. It is based on the methodology that I’ve developed after 30 years of practicing and perfecting my Light Painting techniques. These videos cover everything that I have been teaching in my Light Painting Workshop for years, but there is even more detail and information than what I was able to convey in my 3-day workshop.

These techniques are simple in concept, yet they do require some practice and dedication!

Included in the course are over 30 videos, practice files and exercises for both lighting and editing, my Photoshop Plug-in Panel to make editing fast and smooth, and the opportunity to participate in my regular Private Group Zoom Meetings.

These regular Private Group Zoom Meetings that I will host, will allow you to ask questions of me and get feedback on your work and progress! Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to be a part of a community along with other members of my Light Painting Foundation Course.

If you have any interest in my Light Painting Method (and learning it from the definitive source), then simply register your interest HERE, and you’ll be notified when the series is launched! You’ll also find a short video explaining what the course is all about.

I encourage you to join my mailing list HERE to be well informed!

Thanks so much!


~ by Harold Ross on October 12, 2023.

34 Responses to “Now Live! My Light Painting Workshop is available as a self-paced online video course!”

  1. That’s great Stéphan! Thank you so much! Our announcement will be coming soon and please be sure to periodically check your Spam folder just in case! :-) Thank you again for your interest!

  2. I’ve been hoping for this for months. I’m fascinated by your light painting technique. Unfortunately, the language barrier stopped me from making the trip to the USA. Having the possibility to learn your technique at my pace and because I do understand English way better than I speak it, this is just perfect. Eagerly waiting for the official date of availability. Regards from Québec, the French par of Canada. 🇨🇦

  3. Hi Eddie, thank you for your kind comments! I will say that the concepts that I teach are fairly straightforward and relatively simple, but the nuances of applying light and applying paint to the mask are the things that take a little practice. Light Painting and my methods of masking both involve muscle memory and so that’s where the practice comes in! 😄 Thanks again!

  4. Hi Harold, I’ve been inspired by your light painting techniques over the last few years and have tried my best to get just somewhere near as good, but to no avail …. So therefore I look forward to your tutorial and maybe I’ll get a little nearer to your standard.

  5. Hello Endre, Your comments were caught up in WordPress’ Spam filter and we just found them. So sorry about that! We’ve seen this before when a comment comes from a website instead of an email address. Thank you so much for your kind comments! I checked to make sure you were signed up for the announcement and I see you there! We’re hoping to release the series within a week and I look forward to seeing you at the monthly group Zoom meetings! Thank you! :-)

  6. Hi, Harold,
    I have always been dazzled by your magnificent light painted photos and they inspired me to purchase a lot of your light-painting gadgets. However, apart from some rudimentary attempts at messing with them, I haven’t done that much since it quickly became apparent that it takes some guidance, skill, and practice to get really good results. I was overjoyed to receive the e-mail announcing your online class since that is going to be exactly the impetus I need to get properly started with light painting. I do a lot of digital art with Photoshop so I am very familiar with layers, groups, layer styles, etc. but after having watched the introductory video, I am sure that I will learn a lot more from your class that I will then be able to apply to other areas of my photography and digital art, as well. I can’t wait for you to announce the details of the class and I assiduously check my e-mail every day for that! :-) Beyond that, I look forward to meeting you in your monthly meetings!
    All best wishes,

  7. Terrific, Ralph! 😃 Thanks!

  8. Count me in

  9. Thank you, Kevin! We are hoping to launch it in a week (or so). 😄

  10. Mario, thank you for your kind words! 😁

  11. Hi

    I am sure that all those who are going to take this workshop are not going to be disappointed. I was one of his students, and the way how he explain and teaches Light Painting is a Master of this subject.

    I can guarantee you that you are not going to be disappointed.


    Mario Mifsud from Malta

  12. Excellent idea, please let us all know when this is ready!

  13. Je vous remercie pour vos aimables paroles! La plate-forme Web sur laquelle il sera installé travaille actuellement sur une traduction bêta (sous-titrage codé) pour différentes langues et j’espère que cette fonctionnalité sera bientôt introduite. Et oui, les vidéos seront très détaillées ! ☺️Merci encore !
    Thank you for your kind words! The website platform that it will be on is currently working on a beta translation (closed captioning) for different languages and I hope that feature is introduced soon. And yes, the videos will be very detailed! ☺️Thank you again!

  14. Thank you so much, Walker! 😄

  15. Excellent, Charisa! 😁

  16. Yay!
    A wish fulfilled.
    Thank you, Harold!

  17. Bonjour,
    J’attends cela avec beaucoup d’impatience. Juste, si vous aviez la possibilité de réaliser une version en Français ? J’ai 63 ans, et même si je garde des souvenirs de la langue, ce n’est pas facile, pour cela aussi que je ne pourrai assister au réunion, en raison de la barrière de la langue. Mais les vidéos seront j’en suis certaine très explicites. Bravo ! et Merci

  18. done (it wasn’t as evident on my phone, now I see the link on my desktop.)

  19. Thank you Charisa! It should be in a week or two so be sure to sign up at the link in the blog post so you get notice! :-)

  20. I am super interested. When do you announce availability and cost?

    Thank you! Charisa

  21. Hi Marc! Thank you for your kind comments! Yes, it has been a long time in the making and I am also very excited :-) I’m very sorry that you had to go through chemo… That had to be very stressful, if not slightly harmful to your brain. Happy that all is good with you now! Actually, this is a new mailing list. It is a different website, and so I might suggest that you go ahead and click on the link in this post and sign up for that mailing list. And, there is a video there that you can watch as well, which explains what the course is about. Thanks again, Marc!

  22. Hi Mr Ross (Harold?)!
    I believe I am already on your mailing list, but I want you to know I was VERY excited to see the news! I knew this was coming but did not know when.
    I was never able to participate in one of the workshops, but I have been interested for a very long time.
    Having videos of the process and being able to review them as often as need be is a wonderful thing for my chemo-addled mind (from 2011 and 2015, but all is good now except for the detrimental effect on my brain…) and I look forward to the course’s arrival.
    The zoom meetings answered the one driving question I had which was “would we be able to connect with questions?”
    I anxiously await the release and the pricing info.

  23. Hello Javier!
    That is actually something that the website is currently working on, and it is apparently in beta testing right now, so hopefully that can happen in the not too distant future! Thank you!

  24. Thanks so much! The zoom meetings will be held on a monthly basis, so hopefully you might be able to attend one of them in the future. :-) Thanks again!

  25. Haha! Yes, that is certainly a problem for me! 🥹 One reason I’m so excited about this series is that people will be able to learn at their own pace, and they’ll be able to review everything as many times as they wish! Thanks, Carol!

  26. That’s great news Harold. I’ve been waiting for this online course for years. I won’t be able to attend the meeting, but I’ll be one of the first to buy it when it goes on sale. Thank you very much.

  27. Yes you sure are very detail oriented but it’s a good thing, just a lot to cram into and remember from a 3 day workshop.

  28. Hello.
    Good afternoon. For me it is important to know if the course will have the possibility of listening to or reading it in Spanish. Or by automatic translation system (with YouTube it is already possible) or by production and sale in several languages. If not, I suggest it to you to expand your market of potential clients.
    Thank you

  29. Hi Carol, great to hear from you! I remember the workshop when you and Terri were here. It was a fun time. The video series will be quite large – over 30 videos! And you may remember what a detail oriented person I am. 😅

  30. That’s great! Thank you, Tom!

  31. Hi Harold…

    This is just what I was hoping for, and I am looking forward to your launch date.


  32. Love that you are willing to share with an instructional video. I enjoyed your hands on class a few years ago. Walked away with an amazing image. Sharing a step by step video will be very beneficial. I’m looking forward to it. Love your amazing work. Thank you!

  33. Thank you Daniel! I look forward to it also!

  34. Hi Harold, I think the monthly zoom meeting is an excellent idea and definitately want to participate in this.

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